
小白求职记 - C.Z.Ray

[00:03.192]词曲、编曲、混音 :C.Z.Ray [00:08.693]...
[00:03.192]词曲、编曲、混音 :C.Z.Ray
[00:08.693]录音 :星橙音画录音棚
[00:10.693]封面 :杨曼
[00:14.944]能不能关机 休息
[00:18.693]想干啥啥不行 只有睡觉是第一名
[00:23.443]要命 只是找个实习
[00:26.694]东拼西凑的简历 强行符合主题
[00:46.944]少壮不努力 咸鱼
[00:50.942]没耐心看书籍 又被哄去timi
[00:55.443]不行 时间来不及
[00:58.691]赶快找学长取经 oh
[01:14.944]where the where the best choice
[01:17.192]and what i what i'm gonna do
[01:23.443]重重困难如何去面对(cheer up)
[01:27.693]该怎么为未来做准备(just do)
[01:31.443]so would you please now(please please)
[01:35.691]offer offer (give me the offer)
[01:39.693]harder harder (Then I'll work harder)
[01:43.693]power power (knowledge is power)
[01:47.192]well never willing to be a loser eh
[02:25.344]where the where the best choice
[02:27.093]and what i what i'm gonna do
[02:33.343]重重困难如何去面对(cheer up)
[02:37.592]该怎么为未来做准备(just do)
[02:41.342]so would you please now(please please)
[02:45.591]offer offer (give me the offer)
[02:49.595]harder harder (Then I'll work harder)
[02:53.595]power power (knowledge is power)
[02:57.344]well never willing to be a loser
[03:01.843]要变优秀 别怕吃苦头
[03:09.595]昔日的愁 终随浪东流
[03:17.595]offer offer (give me the offer)
[03:21.344]harder harder (Then I'll work harder)
[03:25.592]power power (knowledge is power)
[03:29.342]well never willing to be a loser