
固执贝帅坦承其过 - 英语听力

The Liverpool manager Rafael Benitez has told the...
The Liverpool manager Rafael Benitez has told the BBC he's made mistakes, some of them big, some regrettable. The Spaniard has been criticised this season for some dubious decisions. Most recently he substituted striker Fernando Torres during Sunday's one all draw at Birmingham City. The result…

利物浦主帅贝尼特斯在接受BBC采访时承认犯错,其中一些错误比较严重,一些错误令人遗憾。本赛季西班牙人由于一些值得商榷的决定而备受批评。最近一次是在周日1-1战平伯明翰的比赛中,他换下了当家球星费南多 托雷斯。去年12月贝尼特斯曾向俱乐部保证会赢得下赛季欧冠席位,但利物浦目前在多赛一场的情况下,依然落后曼城4分…