
Five Hundred Miles(離家五百里)-口琴版(翻自 Stark Sands) - 優 雅

Five Hundred Miles(離家五百里)-口琴版(翻自 Stark Sands)-優 雅.mp3
作词 : 无 作曲 : 无 用琴:新Super64X+HOHNER 257 If...
作词 : 无
作曲 : 无
用琴:新Super64X+HOHNER 257
If you miss the train I'm on,
You will know that I am gone.
You can hear the whistle blow
A hundred miles,一百里,
A hundred miles, a hundred miles,一百里,一百里,
A hundred miles, a hundred miles.一百里,一百里
You can hear the whistle blow你可以听见汽笛在一百里以外响。
A hundred miles.一百里
Lord, I'm one, Lord, I'm two.天啊,一百里,二百里,
Lord, I'm three, Lord, I'm four,天啊,三百里,四百里,
Lord, I'm five hundred miles天啊,我已离家五百里。
Away from home,离开了家,
Away from home,离开了家,
away from home,离开了家,
Away from home, away from home,
Lord, I'm five hundred miles
Away from home.离开了家
Not a shirt on my back,无衬衫穿在身,
Not a penny to my name,身上也无分文,
Lord, I can't go home this a way,
This a way, this a way,这个样,这个样,
This a way, this a way,
Lord, I can't go home this a way.天啊,我不能这个样回家园。
If you miss the train I'm on,如果你错过我坐的火车,
You will know that I am gone,你会知道我已离开,
You can hear the whistle blow你可以听见汽笛在响,
A hundred miles.一百里以外。A hundred miles,一百里,
A hundred miles, a hundred miles,一百里,一百里,
A hundred miles, a hundred miles.一百里,一百里
You can hear the whistle blow你可以听见汽笛在一百里以外响。
A hundred miles.一百里