
Vision - Elektronomia

[00:04.5]Vision (幻想) - Elektronomia [00:39.34]Th...
[00:04.5]Vision (幻想) - Elektronomia
[00:39.34]The world ain't sunshine and rainbows
[00:42.05]It's a very mean and nasty place
[00:44.49]And I don't care how tough you are
[00:46.07]It will beat you till your knees and
[00:48.05]Keep you there permanently if you let it
[00:50.15]并让你永无翻身之地 只要你不反抗
[00:50.15]You me or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life
[00:54.41]你 我 我们什么都不是 要像生活一样重拳出击
[00:54.41]But it ain't about how hard you hit
[00:56.76]It's about how hard you get hit and
[00:59.24]Keep moving forward how much you can take
[01:01.54]And keep moving forward
[01:03.84]That's how winning is done
[01:06.71]Now if you know what you're worth than go out
[01:08.46]现在你要是知道自己价值 那就出击吧
[01:08.46]And get what you're worth
[01:09.65]But you gotta be willing to take the hits
[01:11.61]And not pointing fingers saying
[01:13.24]You're ain't what you wanna be because of him or her or anybody
[01:17.31]你成不了你想成为的样子 是因为他 还是她 还是任何人
[01:17.31]Cowards do that and that ain't you you're better than that
[02:39.35]只有懦夫才这样做 但你不是懦夫 你比懦夫强多了
[02:39.35]The world ain't sunshine and rainbows
[02:43.70999]It will beat you till your knees and
[02:45.6]Keep you there permanently if you let it
[02:48.85]并让你永无翻身之地 只要你不反抗
[02:48.85]It's about how hard you get hit and
[02:51.28]Keep moving forward
[02:53.41]That's how winning is done and
[02:56.33]You're better than that