
Tidal Wave 海 浪 - bbbluelee

Tidal Wave 海 浪-bbbluelee.mp3
[00:00.000] 作词 : bbbluelee [00:00.349] 作曲 : bb...
[00:00.000] 作词 : bbbluelee
[00:00.349] 作曲 : bbbluelee
[00:00.698]吉他 bbbluelee
[00:01.197]钢琴 bbbluelee
[00:01.197]弦乐 bbbluelee
[00:01.696]人声 EddieC
[00:01.950]编曲 bbbluelee
[00:02.449]混音 bbbluelee
[00:04.205]See those waves 看看这些海浪
[00:08.452]they come and go and..这些来去无常的海浪
[00:09.926]And I enjoyed it 我喜欢看着它们潮起潮落
[02:21.356]But it ain’t me 但 我不会是海浪
[02:26.103]I’m standing..right here 我 一直都在这里
[02:29.597]Watching them 看往复的人海与海潮
[02:32.106]No matter what happens 无论如何
[02:34.103]I’ll be still.. 我都会在这
[02:36.599]And won’t fade away 亦不会消逝