
漂流者 19 - 英语听力

漂流者 19-英语听力.mp3
[00:00.94]They're generated by underwater landslid...
[00:00.94]They're generated by underwater landslides and earthquakes
[00:04.35]Known as tsunamis,
[00:05.94]they can flatten coastlines
[00:09.20]Yet these destructive forces may have also brought life to some islands
[00:15.24]As tsunamis strike the coast,
[00:17.28]rafts of vegetation could be cast adrift
[00:20.28]Perhaps animals were caught up in those rafts too
[00:24.14]Could this have been the answer to how these animals made it to Fiji?
[00:28.17]After all, they are the hardest of their kind and could have survived long sea journeys
[00:33.18]Fiji's first animals washed up tens of millions of years ago
[00:37.48]But humans were slow off the block
[00:40.32]They only arrived here three and a half thousand years ago
[00:43.43]Their history remains thin on the ground
[00:46.51]The ruins of Nan Madol are one of only two ancient cities ever found in the Pacific
[00:52.29]With archaeological evidence so scarce,
[00:55.15]the origins of the first people in the central Pacific were hotly debated
[00:59.82]Were they Papuans From New Guinea,
[01:02.27]native Indians from the Americas,
[01:04.49]or another race of people from Asia